Big Red Brick Campaign

“Rememberable” was a term used in the kick-off meeting. The founder had been working as a consultant with Anheuser-Busch, Citibank, M&M Mars, and Pepsi. He was expanding and building a team to help but needed something to send to other Fortune 500 prospects to get noticed.

Big Red Brick Campaign

Folded business cards with holes... envelopes with holes... letterhead with holes... and an old-school printed pitch deck preview were all different, but a big friggin' red brick (with holes) showing up on the CEO's desk definitely made an impact. No need for a ton of bricks. One did the trick.

Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign
Big Red Brick Campaign

How can I help you?

Does your brand need a bit of a pick-me-up? How about your sales presentation or that big investor pitch? I can help. My brain is wired to find order in chaos. Call it a superpower if you like.